A Letter to the Birth Parents

Adoption is serious business, but we're not serious people. So we thought it might be best to illustrate our feelings through a series of gifs.

First of all we are so glad that you're considering us as adoptive parents.

You are doing a hard thing. And we want to be there to support you.

No really, we love you.

We know that for us it feels like a big leap. We can only imagine how it feels for you.

We desperately want to convince you that we're perfect parents.

In reality we have our fair share of bad days.

But we have a lot of love to share and we're confident that we'll be basically the best parents ever.

You're probably getting a lot of advice about what you should do with the child you're expecting. Everyone has an opinion but this is an intensely personal decision that only you can make. Trust your judgement, pray about it, and then tell everyone else to deal with it.

Now for the actually serious part. We both planned our lives around being parents. We talked about it back when we were dating and as time went by we made more and more plans. So yeah, it was hard when we learned that having kids the easy way just wasn't going to happen for us. But the longer we've thought about adoption, the more exciting the idea becomes.
We can't promise that we will be perfect parents. But we can promise that we will love this child. We will take this kid to parks, read books, cheer at soccer practice, and plaster our refrigerator with crayon art. We will give this child everything we have and then we will dig deeper so we can give them a little more.
I hope that after reading this you'll take the next step and contact us so that we can welcome our first child into our homes.
Thank you again,
Shane and Laura Henriksen

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